In Allomorph§

See primary documentation in context for method chop.

method chop(Allomorph:D: |c)

Calls Str.chop on the invocant's Str value.

In Str§

See primary documentation in context for routine chop.

multi method chop(Str:D:)
multi method chop(Str:D: Int() $chopping)

Returns the string with $chopping characters removed from the end.

say "Whateverable".chop(3.6);  # OUTPUT: «Whatevera␤»
my $string= "Whateverable";
say $string.chop("3");         # OUTPUT: «Whatevera␤»

The $chopping positional is converted to Int before being applied to the string.

In Cool§

See primary documentation in context for routine chop.

sub chop(Str(Cool))
method chop()

Coerces the invocant (or in sub form, its argument) to Str, and returns it with the last character removed.

say 'raku'.chop;                        # OUTPUT: «rak␤»