In Regexes§

See primary documentation in context for S/// non-destructive substitution.

say S/o .+ d/new/ with 'old string';      # OUTPUT: «new string␤»
S:g/« (.)/$0.uc()/.say for <foo bar ber>; # OUTPUT: «Foo␤Bar␤Ber␤»

S/// uses the same semantics as the s/// operator, except it leaves the original string intact and returns the resultant string instead of $/ ($/ still being set to the same values as with s///).

Note: since the result is obtained as a return value, using this operator with the ~~ smartmatch operator is a mistake and will issue a warning. To execute the substitution on a variable that isn't the $_ this operator uses, alias it to $_ with given, with, or any other way. Alternatively, use the .subst method.