In X::IO::Mkdir§

See primary documentation in context for method path

Returns the path that the mkdir operation failed to create.

In X::IO::DoesNotExist§

See primary documentation in context for method path

Returns the path that was passed to the failed call.

In Proc::Async§

See primary documentation in context for method path

method path(Proc::Async:D:)

Deprecated as of v6.d. Use command instead.

Returns the name and/or path of the external program that was passed to the new method as first argument.

In X::IO::Dir§

See primary documentation in context for method path

Returns the path that dir failed to read.

In IO::Pipe§

See primary documentation in context for method path

method path(IO::Pipe: --> IO::Path:U)

Returns an IO::Path type object.

In IO::Notification::Change§

See primary documentation in context for method path

Returns the path of the file that's being watched.

In X::IO::Rmdir§

See primary documentation in context for method path

Returns the path rmdir failed to remove

In IO::CatHandle§

See primary documentation in context for method path

method path(IO::CatHandle:D:)

Returns the value of .path attribute of the currently active source handle, or Nil if the source handle queue has been exhausted. Basically, if your CatHandle is based on files, this is the way to get the path of the file the CatHandle is currently reading from.

(my $f1 = 'foo'.IO).spurt: "A\nB\nC";
(my $f2 = 'bar'.IO).spurt: "D\nE";
my $line;
my $cat = :on-switch{ $line = 1 }$f1$f2;
say "{$cat.path}:{$line++} $_" for $cat.lines;
# foo:1 A 
# foo:2 B 
# foo:3 C 
# bar:1 D 
# bar:2 E 

In X::IO::Chdir§

See primary documentation in context for method path

Returns the path that was passed to the failed chdir call.

In IO::Spec::Win32§

See primary documentation in context for method path

method path(--> Seq:D)

Splits the value of %*ENV<PATH> (or %*ENV<Path> if the former is not set) on semicolons (";") and returns a Seq with each of the resultant parts, always adding element "." to the head. Removes all double quotes (") it finds.

%*ENV<PATH> = 'foo;"bar"/"ber"';
IO::Spec::Win32.path.raku.say# OUTPUT: «(".", "foo", "bar/ber").Seq␤»

In IO::Spec::Unix§

See primary documentation in context for method path

method path(--> Seq:D)

Splits the value of %*ENV<PATH> on colons (":"), replaces empty parts with ".", and returns a Seq with each of the resultant parts. Returns an empty Seq if %*ENV<PATH> is not set or is an empty string.

%*ENV<PATH> = 'foo:bar/ber::foo:';
# OUTPUT: «("foo", "bar/ber", ".", "foo", ".").Seq␤»

In X::IO::Unlink§

See primary documentation in context for method path

Returns the path that unlink failed to delete.

In Cool§

See primary documentation in context for method path

method path(Cool:D: --> IO::Path:D)

DEPRECATED. It's been deprecated as of the 6.d version. Will be removed in the next ones.

Stringifies the invocant and converts it to IO::Path object. Use the .IO method instead.

In IO::Handle§

See primary documentation in context for method path

method path(IO::Handle:D:)

For a handle opened on a file this returns the IO::Path that represents the file. For the standard I/O handles $*IN, $*OUT, and $*ERR it returns an IO::Special object.