In Str§

See primary documentation in context for method indices.

multi method indices(Str:D: Str:D $needle, :i(:$ignorecase), :m(:$ignoremark), :$overlap --> List:D)
multi method indices(Str:D: Str:D $needle, Int:D $start, :i(:$ignorecase), :m(:$ignoremark), :$overlap --> List:D)

Searches for all occurrences of $needle in the string starting from position $start, or zero if it is not specified, and returns a List with all offsets in the string where $needle was found, or an empty list if it was not found.

If the optional parameter :overlap is specified the search continues from the index directly following the previous match, otherwise the search will continue after the previous match.

say "banana".indices("a");              # OUTPUT: «(1 3 5)␤»
say "banana".indices("ana");            # OUTPUT: «(1)␤»
say "banana".indices("ana", :overlap);  # OUTPUT: «(1 3)␤»
say "banana".indices("ana", 2);         # OUTPUT: «(3)␤»

Since Rakudo version 2020.02, if the optional named parameter :ignorecase, or :i, is specified, the search for $needle ignores the distinction between uppercase, lowercase and titlecase letters.

say "banAna".indices("a");              # OUTPUT:«(1 5)␤»
say "banAna".indices("a", :ignorecase); # OUTPUT:«(1 3 5)␤»

Since Rakudo 2020.02, if the optional named parameter :ignoremark, or :m, is specified, the search for $needle only considers base characters, and ignores additional marks such as combining accents.

say "tête-à-tête".indices("te");              # OUTPUT:«(2 9)␤»
say "tête-à-tête".indices("te", :ignoremark); # OUTPUT:«(0 2 7 9)␤»