In role Enumeration§

See primary documentation in context for method enums

method enums()

Returns a Map of enum values. Works both on the enum type and any key.

enum Mass ( mg => 1/1000=> 1/1kg => 1000/1 );
say Mass.enums# OUTPUT: « => 1, kg => 1000, mg => 0.001))␤» 
say g.enums;    # OUTPUT: « => 1, kg => 1000, mg => 0.001))␤»

In enum Bool§

See primary documentation in context for routine enums

method enums(--> Hash:D)

Returns a Hash of enum-pairs. Works on both the Bool type and any key.

say Bool.enums;                                   # OUTPUT: «{False => 0, True => 1}␤» 
say False.enums;                                  # OUTPUT: «{False => 0, True => 1}␤»